Monday, December 5, 2016

Who are Rey's parents? And Who is Supreme Leader Snoke? Read for the answer...

I had a long think tonight. I wont make this post longer than it should. I will answer the questions above and give a few simple reasons for it. Now this is al pure speculation and there are certainly faults in these theories. But, there have been bigger stretches than this in the film industry, so maybe I am on to something. First I will answer: "Who is Supreme Leader Snoke?"

The simple answer: Maz Kanata, in hiding. Now I admit that this theory is a stretch, but I wouldn't see it as impossible. In fact, to me Snoke is either this character that they are discussing in the latest novels or if I am going based on a slip up from Daisy Ridley at a convention...  He is Darth Plagueis. To me though, he is almost certainly Plagueis with Maz coming at a close second. He can maybe even be both. Who knows?

Why Maz though? A few reasons:

1. - Maz is very old. Old as Yoda and Chewie if not older. I can't remember her age at this point. But I think someone said it was 4,000 years old? So she is definitely older Than those two if that is the case. It was hinted that Snoke was around during the Republic and has seen The rise and fall of the Empire.

2.- Physical traits. - We never see Snokes true size. People have speculated that he is actually around the size of Yoda or slightly bigger. If that were true, That puts him at Maz's size. What about their faces? Look at their lips... It's the same lips. Without Maz's get up on her head, what would she look like? She may very well have a similar shape head. I am stretching appearances and all a bit here, but I think there are similarities. Even with their eyes. However, I can't explain the scar yet on Snoke's head and why Maz does not have it. It can be a simple answer, it's not Maz. Or maybe the scar is fake or is covered up on Maz. One last thing about physical appearance... Their hands are almost identical. Granted Snokes looks bigger in a hologram. But otherwise, the style of fingers are the same to me.

3.- Manner of speech. I wont say they have the same speech pattern here. But there was something about the way Maz told Finn "Go" and the way Snoke told Hux "Go". Just sounded very similar and their mannerism was similar in saying it to,

4.- How did she get Lukes Lightsaber? How does she know so much about the force? How is her intuition so great??

5.- How would one like Snoke get to someone like Ben Solo? You would think one would have to know the other. Han knew Maz for a long time. Is this how Snoke and Ren became partners?

Points one, three, four and five are what really have Maz at a close second in the race to Snoke's identity. But then again, it may actually be just a brand new character developed for us. I mean that is what creative people do, they create new characters after all.

My next theory came as a Eureka epiphany kind of moment... This one I am certain of.. There is no doubt in my mind about it. If it doesn't turn out to be true, well... Then somewhere the writers changed something and lied to us. But I am almost willing to bet everything I have on this one.(I wont, but it's to show my conviction of it). My only 1% of doubt comes from the fact that we really do not know the exact age of two main characters: Rey and Ben. We also have no idea how far apart they are and when Ben turned to the dark side. Without that information, it is hard to put a 100% mark on this, but I am going to say that this is 99% accurate in my opinion.

Who are Rey's parents???? The answer? Leia and Lor San Tekka. WHY???

1.- It was just too coincidental that here you have a Jedi Monk (or whatever Tekka was exactly at the academy. I know he is not force sensitive.) who also seems to possess the map to Skywalker all the while being on the same exact junk pile of a planet with a highly force sensitive girl who's parents abandoned her. Just why?

2.- The way he spoke about Leia.. When he said "To me, she is still royalty", just something seemed a bit like.. I don't know. It was just too personal and he showed a lot of admiration for her in that one sentence.

3.- All indications point to Ren being born first in the history of Star Wars. Rey can be anywhere between 18 and 25 in the story. It is quite possible for Leia to still give birth at her age when Rey should have been born. It doesn't matter how old Tekka is. As long as everything is functioning and you use a blue little pill, you are good to go!

4.- If Ren was born first, then it is possible that Leia got together with Tekka soon after Han and her split. If that is the case, It is possible for Tekka to have known Leia while she was indeed still considered royalty.

5.- The force connection... It is true that not all children of Jedi are force sensitive and vice versa. First thing my wife said when Tekka came on screen was: "Oh my God, is this a flashback? Is that Obi Wan? That actor looks exactly like him!!!" I totally saw the look.. I thought nothing of it, but I see the look. Rey is very powerful with the force from what all indications show. She is "Anakin" powerful. To be of that power, you either need to have someone create you by the force or technically, even though it's not necessary, you should have a strong geneology in the force. So lets put Leia on that list, check! But Tekka was not force sensitive. But that doesn't mean a parent wasn't either. Tekka was born prior to the clone wars. Obi Wan Kenobi was already at an age to have father a child of ten years old at least when the clone wars began. I believe Tekka is the child of Obi Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze. I believe that she did not tell him for whatever reason that he was a father, but Obi Wan is Tekka's father. The force may just skip a generation in that family.

6.- The Obi Wan connection... There is strong speculation that Obi Wan's character is getting even more of a back story within the new trilogy, hence no spin off anthology film yet for the character. There are strong indications that Obi Wan and Rey are related. But Obi Wan died too soon before Rey was even born. He can not be her father. But Grand father... That is certainly possible. Tekka would be the best bet at someone being Obi Wan's child within this new trilogy. This child would (or just could) be older than Luke. Tekka most certainly is. There is also the vision that Rey had. Obi Wan said "These are your first steps Rey". Why would Obi Wan be involved at all with Rey if there wasn't a direct connection to her some how?? Tekka may not be able to talk to her as a force ghost as he was not force sensitive, but Obi Wan could. This makes sense.

7.- Lukes facial expression when he saw Rey. He knew her. But rather than go up to her and embrace her, it was more like a look of "Oh crap, how the heck did she find me??"

8.- Lukes teaser trailer monologue. "My father has it, I have it, my sister has it. Now you have that power too." It's obvious that line was meant for Rey. It's obvious that there is a family connection there. But if Rey was his daughter.. I would have worded the whole thing like this: "My father has it. My sister has it. I have it. Now you have that power too." To me the wording is everything and everything is picked carefully when put into movies. She was mentioned after Leia because she is Leia's daughter. People had already speculated that she was the Solo's children to begin with. Just a side note, based on the wording of the monologue... I am sure Vader is involved some how as a force ghost in this new trilogy.

9.- Leia's willingness to put a whole team in danger to rescue this girl. She must have known. Han must have told her(More on that later) about Rey. But not only that, the way she embraced her and looked at her.. There is a family connection. Rey even did up her hair in a sort of fashion similar to Leia's hair from the original trilogy. Even just trusting her instantly to go and find Luke instead of sending the resistance. That was just too easy.

10. Han's slow realization. I don't believe Han was aware of who she was at first. But slowly things started to click for him. Han likes to pretend he is a wild idiot. But he is a lot smarter than he lets on. At some point, he figured out exactly who she was. That is why he offered her a job on the falcon. That is also why Maz asked Han "Whose the girl?" with the scene cutting out just a moment later so we do not know what  Han said to Maz. That is why he went to great lengths himself to save her. But he never put her ahead of Ben in the end. He knew he faced a possible death at the hands of his son. Yet, before dieing he didn't say anything to her or confess any connection to her. Instead, his focus remained on Ben till the end when the time came. He may not have had a paternal love for the child. But he still loved Leia and that meant anything that was attached to her.

11.- JJ's comments. JJ Abrams once said that the parents where not mentioned in the Force Awakens. He backtracked to mean that he meant they were not mentioned as being her parents. But he didn't mean that they were not present in the movie. What options did Leia have from actors in the film to be Rey's parents? It was either Han, Lor San Tekka or really creepily stretching this.. Poe or one of the other x-wing pilots or even some nobody in the background. I mentioned why it wasn't Han, but of all the other characters besides Tekka, it just doesn't make sense.

12.- Daisy Ridley recently mentioned in some documentary how at first she couldn't understand how it wasn't obvious and how everyone got it wrong. But then she looked as an outsider looking in and realized that she now understands how noone made the connection. She also mentioned a while back that the revelation of who her parents were, are not too big of a deal. Maybe because Tekka was not a big deal?

13.- Finally, I have to think there was a reason why they used such a famous actor, who looks a lot like Obi Wan, but yet was used for a brief moment. There has to be more to this great character that we do not know about... LIKE HE FATHER A CHILD WITH LEIA!

What do you all think?